Thursday, December 13, 2012

Social Bookmarking


Social Bookmarking is an incredible new innovation. Have you every put a website on your favorites, and then it was gone the next day? Or have you ever wanted to share that website to one of your friends? Now with Social Bookmarking you can save your website and have it available for others to see. What Social Bookmarking really is, is a way of saving, sharing and haveing access to your favorite websites. Also you can ad tags to make it easier to organize and find what you are looking for.

This type of Social Bookmarking is very useful to me. I can save all of my websites on sports or music, and I can easily access them. It is also useful because of it's ability to share websites with others in your network. So if I want to find another website on something like wrestling I can look on my followers tags. Social Bookmarking can be useful to anyone who uses the internet. Anyone who wants to save websites and share/find them, Social Bookmaring is perfect.

I will use Social Bookmarking to find and share my websites and also to save my favorite websites. It is so easy to use school projects can be easier, finding sports is easier, and sharing with friends easier.Social Bookmarking is a great wasy to get involved with the ineternet.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


An RSS feed is a combination of subscriptions from news feeds, or blogs. When you subscibe to a site, your RSS feed recieves the new information from those sites without you searching every site. This tool is most useful to the people who use the internet regularly, and read the news or blogs on the web. This tool will be useful to me because I can connect it to my mobile device and knw when there is an update of informartion on my top sites.
RSS symbol

Friday, December 7, 2012

Technology and Me...

Technology is grown on this world like an infection. A new tablet or phone comes out, and immediatley we want to go and get that new object. Without technology our world would not be were we are today. For me I have no idea were I would be if technology was not apart of my life. Everyday I wake up to an alarm on my phone, without that alarm I would never make it to school on time. Once i have finally have gotten out of bed, I grab my iPod and start listening to music to jump start my brain for the upcoming school day. At school in my online tech class we are on the computer all day learning how to use advancing technology. All day, everyday technology is used in my life. No matter what our world will never turn away from technology.