Thursday, January 17, 2013

Country Project

This project was educational and fun. It is great to have an opportunity to learn about a new country, and in my case I choose Macedonia. To me I had no real background knowledge about Macedonia; all I knew is that my Dad traveled there when I was younger. So I wanted to figure out a little information about this interesting country. My favorite part about this country is the mountains and lakes. Macedonia is a real beautiful country, with a ton of things to do.  The thing that was difficult to find was what tour stops to use because there were so many to choose from. The strong points in my presentation were the pictures. I believe that a good presentation should have enough pictures for the audience to picture themselves in that country. My weakest point was my history of Macedonia. I feel like I could have done more to give more information on the history of Macedonia. This project is a great way to find information on a country and use internet research skills. For the future maybe a project could be on a state, sport, type of technology, anything could work, but for me the country project was just right.


  1. I think it was cool how you did a country that you knew nothing about so you could learn something.
    You had really nice pics too! Great Job :)

  2. I thought your presentation was very good. I learned a lot about Macedonia from your presentation. It seems to be a very interesting country.I would not mind going there one day. I also had trouble finding history for Sweden.

  3. Your presentation on Macedonia was very informative and your power point was great and clear. Good job Gabe
