Thursday, April 18, 2013

Digital Story Bucket List


  1. I thought your bucket list move was very informativ and interesting. I really enjoyed the quote for your introduction. The timing of your recording matched up perfectly with the pictures. I also enjoyed how you brought in the history of the activities. Your voice seemed a little plain throughout the movie so some dynamics in the voice would be better. Also, some of the recordings were a bit scratchy. Other than that it was a great movie!
    95/100- A
    Rebecca Crane

  2. You are to be commended on your original choices. I can tell that you did not steal any ideas from others; that you put thought in your selections. Your discussions about each choice were well done. You were a little to close to the microphone. Your pronunciation of some of the words could have been better. Sometimes your music drowned you out a bit. But your excellent content made your presentation. 94%
