Thursday, March 21, 2013

Emerging in Technology Part 1

My article was on the new innovation of the light field camera by Lytro. This camera is the first camera to be able to take a picture and be able to focus and move the picture after it is taken. The camera collects and stores light rays from all directions which captures the 3-dimensional image of the picture. Therefore you can take the image home and create it to become 3D.  I went to the website of the creators and looked at some pictures taken by the Camera and they were stunning. I have never seen anything like this camera before, and it is soon going to be in the pocket of every American. In the future they are hoping to make this possible with videos as well. So different angles, and focuses giving you 3D ability.

The technologies that were considered "emerging" are still being used. Such as the liquid battery which allows you to use solar power at night. Things are still being used but I believe that everything has become better and better as the years go on.

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