Friday, January 4, 2013

Christmas To Remeber

               When the month of December comes knocking at my door, I know Christmas is right around the corner. At school preparation for break begins, and at home decorations fill the house as Christmas scents flow through the air. I will always remember helping my Mom set up the Christmas tree, and making delicious Christmas Cookies with my siblings. Finally with all the preparation and patience, Christmas comes. I love and look forward to going to the Christmas Eve service at my church to remember what Christmas is really about. Then when we arrive at home our family tradition is to make some Hot Chocolate and open one present before the real day has come to satisfy us until the morn.
                The next day my brother wakes up early then the rest of the family, and he wakes everyone else up. We scurry down the stairs to see the tree glowing and looks to be planted in presents. After we celebrate Christmas with my Mom, Dad, sister and brother, we travel to our Grandparents house to have a Christmas Feast. After our gullets are filled with ham and potatoes we settle and open presents. To finish our wonderful day we go to my Grandpa’s house to feast again. Christmas is a great time for presents and food, but the real thing that matter is family and the day that Jesus was born.

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