Thursday, January 31, 2013

Network Etiquette or Netiquette

Netiquette is a word combination of Network and etiquette. It is simple having and using common sense on the internet to respect others. This word is a set of unwritten rules that is assumed all internet users live by, but sometimes that is not the case. Netiquette affects all users on the internet, from teachers to students all should use this way of respect towards others. Examples of Good Netiquette would be making you look good by using proper grammar and spelling. Also you should live by the Golden rule and do unto others as they would do unto you. Good Netiquette is being polite all the time to others no matter what they say or do to you. Online there maybe be a case of good Netiquette but sometimes irresponsible users of the internet may have bad Netiquette. This could consist of flame-baiting another user, or disrespectfully sending another person something that can waste time and maybe money. When on the internet Netiquette is something that has to be used. No one should disrespect others and with proper Netiquette disrespect will not happen.

Friday, January 25, 2013

What's Legal?

Whenever a new movie or hit song comes out our immediate reaction is to get it. With our reaction we want to get it cheap or no cost at all. This is where illegally copying and downloading music and movies comes in. Sites such as LimeWire or Kazaa illegally allow you to do this. When you illegally download a song or movie from the internet you are stealing from the company that produced that song or movie. Although that is not how people look at the problem. Others think it is alright because no one will know. College Students have been sued for hundreds of thousands of dollars for Copyright Infringement. And anybody has the chance of being caught and having to spend a ton of money. Be smart and don’t illegally download music, movies, or games.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Copyright Case: Viacom vs. YouTube

Viacom the owner of Comedy Central, Spike, MTV, Nickelodeon, and more channels sued YouTube for having episodes and video clips of Spongebob. Viacom thought that this might have engaged negotiations to license Spongebob to YouTube. They filed a $1B lawsuit against YouTube for copyright infringement. This is a work of audiovisual. The results of this case is that YouTube was not guilty and the weight of the matter rest on the shoulders of Viacom.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Country Project

This project was educational and fun. It is great to have an opportunity to learn about a new country, and in my case I choose Macedonia. To me I had no real background knowledge about Macedonia; all I knew is that my Dad traveled there when I was younger. So I wanted to figure out a little information about this interesting country. My favorite part about this country is the mountains and lakes. Macedonia is a real beautiful country, with a ton of things to do.  The thing that was difficult to find was what tour stops to use because there were so many to choose from. The strong points in my presentation were the pictures. I believe that a good presentation should have enough pictures for the audience to picture themselves in that country. My weakest point was my history of Macedonia. I feel like I could have done more to give more information on the history of Macedonia. This project is a great way to find information on a country and use internet research skills. For the future maybe a project could be on a state, sport, type of technology, anything could work, but for me the country project was just right.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Technology is Everywhere...

This world has become dependable on technology. Without it we would be lost and out of touch with the rest of the world. The Article talks about how this generation is born mobile. There is nothing that does not involve technology. Everywhere we turn something is mobile technology from phones, T.V. , Refrigerators now have touch screens on the front, Learning supplies, etc. It has grown into something that our world cannot live without. This article states that, “ 84% of people worldwide say they can’t go a day without their mobile device. Tech and better. 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Christmas To Remeber

               When the month of December comes knocking at my door, I know Christmas is right around the corner. At school preparation for break begins, and at home decorations fill the house as Christmas scents flow through the air. I will always remember helping my Mom set up the Christmas tree, and making delicious Christmas Cookies with my siblings. Finally with all the preparation and patience, Christmas comes. I love and look forward to going to the Christmas Eve service at my church to remember what Christmas is really about. Then when we arrive at home our family tradition is to make some Hot Chocolate and open one present before the real day has come to satisfy us until the morn.
                The next day my brother wakes up early then the rest of the family, and he wakes everyone else up. We scurry down the stairs to see the tree glowing and looks to be planted in presents. After we celebrate Christmas with my Mom, Dad, sister and brother, we travel to our Grandparents house to have a Christmas Feast. After our gullets are filled with ham and potatoes we settle and open presents. To finish our wonderful day we go to my Grandpa’s house to feast again. Christmas is a great time for presents and food, but the real thing that matter is family and the day that Jesus was born.