Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Check this out on Chirbit
Check this out on Chirbit

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Technology Article

The article I picked was about the futuristic phone. Could become smarter than what they are now? With even more and more gadgets that make life easier? This article described how designers across the world on working to making smartphones more innovated and even smarter. From going to a no screen phone, to projections of the screen and even a 3D screen. Nothing is going to stop the phone industry from growing and the more they innovate the more people want to buy their product. Also with more innovations the phone will cost even more than what they cost now. I am excited to see what will happen in the future of phones! http://www.cnn.com/TECH/

Voki vs. Blabberize

Blabberize and Voki are two similar ways to create an avatar and give them voice. The easier website to use was Voki. This is because the design of the avatar was simple and recording was activated with just a touch of a button. The Blabberize website was harder to set the mouth and to record. We had to use a completely different recording program to put on the voice over of the blabberize. Even though the Blabberize was harder to use and took a little longer to create it was more fun to create. Also the end product of the Blabberize is funnier and if done correctly it can look real. There for I would use Blabberize again, because of how fun it is and the end product. I could possibly use Blabberize for another class as a project on a famous person acting like they are talking to the class.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Real Life

Teresa gave out family names, telephone numbers, past times, e-mail, and address. The  most that I have put online is my e-mail and address to buy shoes. The most important thing to remember is that anyone can find away to see what you are posting no matter what. So think before you post anything online. The Video that I watched was about an active swimmer that wanted to get a scholarship to go to college. After one of his meets he went to a party and took pictures of himself and friends drinking. he decided to post those pictures which allowed his principal and coach to see it. The consequences were that he was kicked from the team for the use of alcohol. His scholarship went down the drain.

My Year in Photos

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Digital Footprints

Nothing bad came up when I searched my name on Google. also no inappropriate pictures were under my name. So i am very proud of what I have online. I am surprised to see so many pictures of me but that is because my Dad posts pics on his blog. There are some pics of when I was younger that are a little bit embarrassing. As of right no there is nothing that I regret on the internet so for the future I am going to keep on thinking about everything I post.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Cyber Bullying Movie

This movie was very dramatic but true. The internet can be a wonderful tool but also a dangerous place for bullying. Ideas and thoughts about others can be posted without anyone caring what was said about another person. The movie really gave me an idea of what it looks like and how it can affect a person’s life. In the same way that we talked about in class, bullying can happen anywhere. This movie is a great way to really grasp the concept of bullying. The difference about what we talked about is that other people probably would not stand up in the cafeteria to the bully. Other than that this Movie was true and a great way to learn about cyber bullying.