Thursday, February 21, 2013

Voki vs. Blabberize

Blabberize and Voki are two similar ways to create an avatar and give them voice. The easier website to use was Voki. This is because the design of the avatar was simple and recording was activated with just a touch of a button. The Blabberize website was harder to set the mouth and to record. We had to use a completely different recording program to put on the voice over of the blabberize. Even though the Blabberize was harder to use and took a little longer to create it was more fun to create. Also the end product of the Blabberize is funnier and if done correctly it can look real. There for I would use Blabberize again, because of how fun it is and the end product. I could possibly use Blabberize for another class as a project on a famous person acting like they are talking to the class.

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