Friday, May 17, 2013

Screencast Reflection

  1. .      I think I did pretty well for being new to this technology. Even though it took me many times to make the recording right, it came out great in the end.
  2.       Yes it should be very easy for the audience to complete the basic task I demoed.
  3.          It was easy to use and navigate from page to page; the only hard thing was trying to make the recording perfect.
  4.       f anyone needs to know about a program or website and I only have contact with them through the internet; then this is a great tool to help others out!
  5.         It was fun to do and very easy to use!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

5 Jobs

Job USA Michigan Pastor/ Missionary $30,650.00 $29,990.00 Social Worker $47,370.00 $48,040.00 Athletic Trainer $44,010.00 $27,570.00 Dietitian $56,170.00 $51,120.00 Art or Music Teacher $73,340.00 $49,600.00 All in all the job incomes are the same mean for the US and Michigan. Although money is not a priority I am going to going into the field of work by which I am called to do.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Emerging in Technology Part 1

My article was on the new innovation of the light field camera by Lytro. This camera is the first camera to be able to take a picture and be able to focus and move the picture after it is taken. The camera collects and stores light rays from all directions which captures the 3-dimensional image of the picture. Therefore you can take the image home and create it to become 3D.  I went to the website of the creators and looked at some pictures taken by the Camera and they were stunning. I have never seen anything like this camera before, and it is soon going to be in the pocket of every American. In the future they are hoping to make this possible with videos as well. So different angles, and focuses giving you 3D ability.

The technologies that were considered "emerging" are still being used. Such as the liquid battery which allows you to use solar power at night. Things are still being used but I believe that everything has become better and better as the years go on.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Online A Reflection

Technology is so important in our life today because it is used so widely every day. No matter what every corner we turn and everywhere we see technology is there. We can’t get away from it, the last five years have been years of innovation from the creation of the smartphone, tablets and better computers and gaming systems come out every year. In the next five years of technology is going to become even more complex, smart, and better. Paper will no longer be needed, everything will become digital. The technology that I use for school work can range from a computer, my iPod to listen to music, to a calculator. All of these things help homework go faster and easier. For personal use I use my iPod, TV and Xbox. Almost every day I use my iPod, and TV, but not the Xbox. The tools from Online a that I will use in the future are blogs, podcast, RSS feed and gadgets. A blog can be used all through high school and in college through groups for homework, classes, and sports. The most practical tool for lifelong learning would be the blog because everything else is going to pass and something else is going to be made in place of it, but the blog is going to improve and always have a way to post and connect with others. The tools I think that I will never use again would be the Avatars. This is because I never have the need to have a virtual me. My favorite tools to create were the Blog, and the igoogle. This is because I could personalize the page to how I wanted it to look. Lastly the tool that was my least favorite would be the avatar because they were hard to embed and record the voice for the avatar.


Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Check this out on Chirbit
Check this out on Chirbit

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Technology Article

The article I picked was about the futuristic phone. Could become smarter than what they are now? With even more and more gadgets that make life easier? This article described how designers across the world on working to making smartphones more innovated and even smarter. From going to a no screen phone, to projections of the screen and even a 3D screen. Nothing is going to stop the phone industry from growing and the more they innovate the more people want to buy their product. Also with more innovations the phone will cost even more than what they cost now. I am excited to see what will happen in the future of phones!

Voki vs. Blabberize

Blabberize and Voki are two similar ways to create an avatar and give them voice. The easier website to use was Voki. This is because the design of the avatar was simple and recording was activated with just a touch of a button. The Blabberize website was harder to set the mouth and to record. We had to use a completely different recording program to put on the voice over of the blabberize. Even though the Blabberize was harder to use and took a little longer to create it was more fun to create. Also the end product of the Blabberize is funnier and if done correctly it can look real. There for I would use Blabberize again, because of how fun it is and the end product. I could possibly use Blabberize for another class as a project on a famous person acting like they are talking to the class.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Real Life

Teresa gave out family names, telephone numbers, past times, e-mail, and address. The  most that I have put online is my e-mail and address to buy shoes. The most important thing to remember is that anyone can find away to see what you are posting no matter what. So think before you post anything online. The Video that I watched was about an active swimmer that wanted to get a scholarship to go to college. After one of his meets he went to a party and took pictures of himself and friends drinking. he decided to post those pictures which allowed his principal and coach to see it. The consequences were that he was kicked from the team for the use of alcohol. His scholarship went down the drain.

My Year in Photos

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Digital Footprints

Nothing bad came up when I searched my name on Google. also no inappropriate pictures were under my name. So i am very proud of what I have online. I am surprised to see so many pictures of me but that is because my Dad posts pics on his blog. There are some pics of when I was younger that are a little bit embarrassing. As of right no there is nothing that I regret on the internet so for the future I am going to keep on thinking about everything I post.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Cyber Bullying Movie

This movie was very dramatic but true. The internet can be a wonderful tool but also a dangerous place for bullying. Ideas and thoughts about others can be posted without anyone caring what was said about another person. The movie really gave me an idea of what it looks like and how it can affect a person’s life. In the same way that we talked about in class, bullying can happen anywhere. This movie is a great way to really grasp the concept of bullying. The difference about what we talked about is that other people probably would not stand up in the cafeteria to the bully. Other than that this Movie was true and a great way to learn about cyber bullying. 

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Network Etiquette or Netiquette

Netiquette is a word combination of Network and etiquette. It is simple having and using common sense on the internet to respect others. This word is a set of unwritten rules that is assumed all internet users live by, but sometimes that is not the case. Netiquette affects all users on the internet, from teachers to students all should use this way of respect towards others. Examples of Good Netiquette would be making you look good by using proper grammar and spelling. Also you should live by the Golden rule and do unto others as they would do unto you. Good Netiquette is being polite all the time to others no matter what they say or do to you. Online there maybe be a case of good Netiquette but sometimes irresponsible users of the internet may have bad Netiquette. This could consist of flame-baiting another user, or disrespectfully sending another person something that can waste time and maybe money. When on the internet Netiquette is something that has to be used. No one should disrespect others and with proper Netiquette disrespect will not happen.

Friday, January 25, 2013

What's Legal?

Whenever a new movie or hit song comes out our immediate reaction is to get it. With our reaction we want to get it cheap or no cost at all. This is where illegally copying and downloading music and movies comes in. Sites such as LimeWire or Kazaa illegally allow you to do this. When you illegally download a song or movie from the internet you are stealing from the company that produced that song or movie. Although that is not how people look at the problem. Others think it is alright because no one will know. College Students have been sued for hundreds of thousands of dollars for Copyright Infringement. And anybody has the chance of being caught and having to spend a ton of money. Be smart and don’t illegally download music, movies, or games.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Copyright Case: Viacom vs. YouTube

Viacom the owner of Comedy Central, Spike, MTV, Nickelodeon, and more channels sued YouTube for having episodes and video clips of Spongebob. Viacom thought that this might have engaged negotiations to license Spongebob to YouTube. They filed a $1B lawsuit against YouTube for copyright infringement. This is a work of audiovisual. The results of this case is that YouTube was not guilty and the weight of the matter rest on the shoulders of Viacom.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Country Project

This project was educational and fun. It is great to have an opportunity to learn about a new country, and in my case I choose Macedonia. To me I had no real background knowledge about Macedonia; all I knew is that my Dad traveled there when I was younger. So I wanted to figure out a little information about this interesting country. My favorite part about this country is the mountains and lakes. Macedonia is a real beautiful country, with a ton of things to do.  The thing that was difficult to find was what tour stops to use because there were so many to choose from. The strong points in my presentation were the pictures. I believe that a good presentation should have enough pictures for the audience to picture themselves in that country. My weakest point was my history of Macedonia. I feel like I could have done more to give more information on the history of Macedonia. This project is a great way to find information on a country and use internet research skills. For the future maybe a project could be on a state, sport, type of technology, anything could work, but for me the country project was just right.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Technology is Everywhere...

This world has become dependable on technology. Without it we would be lost and out of touch with the rest of the world. The Article talks about how this generation is born mobile. There is nothing that does not involve technology. Everywhere we turn something is mobile technology from phones, T.V. , Refrigerators now have touch screens on the front, Learning supplies, etc. It has grown into something that our world cannot live without. This article states that, “ 84% of people worldwide say they can’t go a day without their mobile device. Tech and better. 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Christmas To Remeber

               When the month of December comes knocking at my door, I know Christmas is right around the corner. At school preparation for break begins, and at home decorations fill the house as Christmas scents flow through the air. I will always remember helping my Mom set up the Christmas tree, and making delicious Christmas Cookies with my siblings. Finally with all the preparation and patience, Christmas comes. I love and look forward to going to the Christmas Eve service at my church to remember what Christmas is really about. Then when we arrive at home our family tradition is to make some Hot Chocolate and open one present before the real day has come to satisfy us until the morn.
                The next day my brother wakes up early then the rest of the family, and he wakes everyone else up. We scurry down the stairs to see the tree glowing and looks to be planted in presents. After we celebrate Christmas with my Mom, Dad, sister and brother, we travel to our Grandparents house to have a Christmas Feast. After our gullets are filled with ham and potatoes we settle and open presents. To finish our wonderful day we go to my Grandpa’s house to feast again. Christmas is a great time for presents and food, but the real thing that matter is family and the day that Jesus was born.